Before & After School Care
Before School Care
Opening hours:
7:00am - 9:00am
Breakfast available:
7:00am - 8:20am
Programmed and Free Play activities are offered to the children each day based around the children’s suggestions and the Framework “My time, Our Place”.
The children then pack up and meet together at 8:30am.
Children in Years 5 & 6 are given permission to go to school at 8:30am.
At 8:45am children in Years K-4 are signed out of Funhouse and walked to their class lines
In Term 1, Kindergarten child are taken to school at 8:50am by a Funhouse Educator
A parent or an adult must bring the children to the Centre and sign our roll for each day of attendance.
Our maximum capacity of attendance during Before School Care is currently capped at 108 children each day.
After School Care
Opening hours:
3:00pm - 6:30pm
In term 1, Kindergarten children are collected from school at 2:55pm by one of Funhouse’s Educators
3:05pm: Sign in and Roll Call
3:15pm - 3:50pm: Afternoon Tea (in age groups) & Active Play
3:50pm Choice of:
Indoor Programmed Activity
Indoor Free Play
Outdoor Programmed Activity
Outdoor Free Play
Playroom is for years K-2
Computer is for years 3 & 4
Room 32 is for years 5 & 6
Relaxation and quiet activities in the Zen Den area and Library Area
4:15pm and 5:00pm is Andy's Coming (Headcount)
5:30pm: Roll call & Light Snack
5:30pm - 6:30pm: Quiet activities
Our maximum capacity of attendance during After School Care is currently capped at 240 children each day.
Our Program and routine are based around the children’s suggestions and the Framework “My Time, Our Place”.
A parent or an authorised adult must collect the children at the Centre and sign our roll for each day of attendance.
Child Care Subsidy
Families eligible to receive Child Care Subsidy (CCS) will need to provide the service on enrolment with the following items:
Primary Parent and Child CRN
Primary Parent and Child DOB
For more information on Child Care Subsidy in English, click the link below:
For more information on Child Care Subsidy in a different language, click the link below: